
Thanks for stopping by my blog!

I am a 21 year old Senior (weird!) at Southern Methodist University. I am majoring in journalism and minoring in business. I love my journalism major and I am excited to soon pursue a career in it.

I am obsessed with my family and I truly have the best friends in the world!

My family and I really love animals. If you want a better picture of my crazy family see this post: The Parker Family Animal Farm.

My Family!

My sister Rollins!

My sister Rebecca!

I have been dating my boyfriend since junior high:)

He really is a SAINT for putting up with me. I am so lucky to be with someone who loves me for exactly who I am and supports me no matter what.Β 

Parker and my girl Emma!

I am a HUGE foodie. I love to eat and try new things.Β 

My favorites include any breakfast food, chocolate, peanut butter, and obviously ANYTHING mint chocolate chip.

I have developed a passion for health and fitness over the past year. I can not get enough of learning about it! I am currently the Health and Fitness editor for SMU’s, The Daily Campus.Β 

I try my best to live a healthy lifestyle. I really enjoy creating healthy recipes, working out and trying different classes, DVDs, etc.

While I love to eat healthy, you will never find this girl passing up a desert and I am sucker for a margarita or a good glass of red wine.

After struggling with self image issues myself, I truly believe that life is too short to be wasting time on obsessing about your diets and workouts.

LIFE, family and friends are a much higher priority to me.

My philosophy is that God only gave me this one body, so I better love it, cherish it, listen to it and take care of it.

I hope you guys enjoy following my crazy life, eats, workouts, outfits and just a bunch of randomness all squashed into trying to live a health lifestyle!

15 thoughts on “About

  1. Haha this makes me wish I was still in school so I could have a spring break! I am taking a few days off though when a friend comes in town for a visit, so its like a mini spring break!

  2. Pingback: Bright Lights, Big City | Love Mint Chocolate Chip

  3. You are so dang cute! I love your blog! I love that you and your bf have been together since Junior High.. reminds me of my parents πŸ™‚ I, too, am a sucker for red wine. LOVE.. have you tried Cupcake brand? so good!! Thanks for checking out my blog, too, lady!

  4. I have no clue how I stumbled upon this little gem but I’m so happy I did ! πŸ™‚ I love it ! Can’t wait to read more!

    I also loveeee that you said “After struggling with self image issues myself, I truly believe that life is too short to be wasting time on obsessing about your diets and workouts.” That is soo true, and I think that it is hard for the majority of people (including me at times) to get to that point but it’s great that most people in the blog world send that message to their readers. That way more people can accept themselves and just enjoy life! πŸ™‚

  5. Ah, we have so much in common! I love that you are so close to your family (you are all gorgeous, by the way)! I am the same way. My brother and sisters are my best friends! And hey, a glass of wine or a margarita is a great way to wind down after a hard workout (or simply a hard day). πŸ˜‰

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